
As a school, we understand the importance of partnering with a range of organisations to help us to make our school vision a reality:

Partnership Purpose

Julian Teaching School Hub and Ambition Institute

Ambition Institute' launches following ASL and IfT mergerJulian Teaching School Hub - Home

To provide high quality induction for our Early Career Teachers, Mentors and Coordinators in school.

Viscount Nelson Education Trust

The Norfolk Headteachers' Conference | VNET Education CIC

To give us opportunities to join in high quality CPD events and network meetings.

Norfolk Country Trust

The Country Trust | Partners | Countryside Classroom

To teach children about nature, plants, food and give them opportunities to grow and make.

The Woottons Football Club

The Woottons Football Club

To provide an outlet for children to take part in regulated football training and matches.

Read Write Inc and Ruth Miskin Training

RWI - Read Write Inc. | - William Reynolds

To further embed and enhance our Systematic Synthetic Phonics provision.

Early Excellence

Early Years Resources, Furniture & Training | Nurseries & Primary Schools

To provide our youngest learners with the best possible start to their lives in education.

Teacher 2 Teacher UK (Kagan)


To develop the use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies to enhance educational and pastoral outcomes for all children.

SEND Norfolk and Steps Training

Norfolk SEND Local Offer

To ensure best practice in the school for all staff working with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and those with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.

Norfolk Teacher Training Centre

Norfolk Teacher Training Centre

To teach our Teaching Apprentices the theory that they then apply in our classrooms.


Login | Account access | Kapow Primary

To enhance the teaching of Science, Modern Foreign Languages and Relationships Education within the school.

Access Art

The AccessArt Badge

To enhance our teaching of Art and Design across the school.


Key Stage 1 Christingle

On Thursday 16th December, Year 1 and 2 had a very special day to celebrate Advent.

They spent the morning learning about the importance of Christingle, what the different parts represent and making their own. Then in the afternoon, they travelled to St Faith’s Church to take part in a service held by Rev. Karlene. The children told stories, sang songs and even got to see their candles lit in the darkness of the church.  It was a truly magical experience for everyone involved. Thanks to everyone’s generous donations, we raised an amazing £148 for The Children’s Society.

Contact Us

Headteacher: Daniel Farthing
Address: William Booth Road
Kings Lynn
PE30 4RR

Tel: 01553 774666


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